Hanse 400e

Hanse 400e

Monday, August 24, 2015

Sail to Cape Upstart

Monday 24th August 2015

It is an early start, as the trip to Cape Upstart is a bit over 70 nm. We do not expect much breeze for the first half of the trip, but it is expected to build from midday.

We headed out at 6.30am, raised a mainsail and motor sailed until we almost reached Cape Bowling Green. About hallway down Bowling Green Bay, the drag on the the trolling reel went off, and we landed a nice school mackerel, about 70 cm long (enough for a few meals for both of us).

Half an hour later, away it went again, this time stripping all of the line before I could get to the rod. Unfortunately it shook the hook out and we missed what appeared to be a good one. You need lots of line on the reel, as the speed with which some of these fish run at is amazing.

Once we rounded Cape Bowling Green, we were on a good sailing angle (very close to the wind though), and we sailed the rest of the way to Cape Upstart doing 7.5 to 8 knots average and topping out at 9.3knots. It was a great sail, although there were a few complaints about the angle of heel.

Anchored safely at Cape Upstart by 5.30 pm, we settled in to a quiet night with not a lot of boat movement during the night.

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